Event "La Svizzera Delle Donne"
The registration deadline has expired.
The italian chapter is thrilled to propose you to participate to a first event in 2023: “La Svizzera Delle Donne” !
Organized by the Swiss Embassy in Italy and the Istituto Svizzero on the 15 March 2023 at 17:00, different speakers will intervene to share experiences on topics regarding challenges and opportunities for women in the business world.
Two options to participate:
- in person at Istituto Svizzero di Roma (Villa Maraini, via Liguria 20, Rome), upon registration by sending an email to roma.rsvp@eda.admin.ch before the 1st March 2023 (kindly copy adrien.mulon@gmail.com )
- online, using the link on this page
Check the flyer !
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