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International Women's Day 2020




On Thursday, 5 March, 2020, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, EPFL celebrated women of science and set off with them to conquer space.

The event showcased talented, passionate and inspiring women who are changing the rules of the game in the space industry. It also showcased the School’s projects related to equality and provided an opportunity to network over a cocktail reception, in the presence of, among others:

Tatiana Benavides, alumna SV’10, manager of the Swiss Space Center hub at ETH Zurich
– Chloé Carrière, EPFL student in Physics & President of the Space@yourService association
– Christelle Iliopoulos, alumna EL’13, Signals Engineer, Centre National d’Études Spatiales
– Muriel Richard, Lecturer EPFL & co-founder of ClearSpace
– Claudia Binder, dean of the ENAC School
Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Full Professor at the Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, President of EPFL WISH Foundation, member of ETH Women Professors Forum
– Moderator: Aurore Amaudruz, alumna SC’08, member of the executive board of Économie Région Lausanne

Photos by Murielle Gerber

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