Activities are back after the long break due to Covid. 75 alumni said yes to the invitation to visit the Vaud Parliament on September 30th, 2021. We were welcomed by the Vice-President of the Grand Council, Laurent Miéville (PH’90) who explained how the Parliament is organized. Then we had the chance to have the architect of this “new Parliament” Marc Collomb (AR’79) who told us the history of the building. After the visit, we could share a glass at the Parliament’s refreshment bar!
It is in a brand new building, erected on the remains of the Parliament that went up in smoke in 2002, that the 150 deputies have been sitting since April 2017. The entrance is now located rue Cité-Devant, where a facade has been torn off to make way for a majestically large bay window. “The challenge of building the new parliament was to bring the existing building into line with contemporary requirements” explains architec Marc Collomb. The old rubs shoulders with the modern, the past and the future mingle, traditions and new technologies blend together while preserving their identity: the Vaud Parliament is at the crossroads between the Middle Ages and high technology.
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