The Carnival in Basel is part of the city’s cultural identity – for three days the city celebrates. Owing to its uniqueness and quality, the largest carnival of Switzerland has been added to the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list in 2017. In 2022, the Fasnacht started on Monday March 7th of March at 4am with the “Morgestraich” – and ended on Thursday March 10th with the “Endstraich”.
For our Post-Fasnacht dinner of 18th of March 2022, we went to one of the locations that hosts Fasnachts celebration: the Stadtkeller, a very typical “Basler Beiz”. There the participants heard a bit more about Fasnacht and our newly independent EPFL Alumni Basel Antenna.
We all enjoyed dinner with a very diverse crowd: architecture, life sciences, chemistry, material sciences, communication systems, computer systems, and microengineering were represented.

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