À propos du groupe

Giulia Albonico (PH'18, Member, Nadège de Chambrier (SIE’15, Member), Frédéric Haldimann (GC’93,  Secretary), Damien Nguyen (PH’14, President), Daniel Rüffer (PhD PH'14), Christian Schneebeli (GC’00, Treasurer)

Minutes of the 2020 GA (French),       Status (French),       Archives

Discover a video of the latest events (2018-2019)

Dear graduates,

The Committee of the EPFL Alumni Association Eastern Switzerland wants to thank you warmly for your participation in our various events.

Thank you to continue to work as ambassadors of the EPFL and encourage your colleagues, old and new Alumni, to join us. We look forward to seeing you at one or other of our activities!