Visit to the CHUV Nuclear Medicine Center in Lausanne

51 attendees and 14 interested


The registration deadline has expired.

The EPFL Alumni Vaud-Valais chapter invites you to visit the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging department of the CHUV in Lausanne on Monday, January 20th , 2025



18h00:        Welcome at CHUV in Lausanne

18h15:        Presentation of the department by Prof. John Prior, Head of the Nuclear Medicine Department

18h45 :       Guided tour of the department in groups

19h30 :       Networking aperitive

20h30 :       End of the event



CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) – Service de médecine nucléaire

Rue du Bugnon 46, 1011 Lausanne



Register for the event until January 19, 2025. The event is free of charge.

If the event is full, click on “interested” to be placed on the waiting list in case of withdrawal.

If you need to cancel your participation, please do so quickly on the EPFL Alumni platform to allow others to take part. Thank you for your interest!


Presentation of the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging department

Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging have transformed the way doctors are able to diagnose and treat a vast spectrum of diseases, enabling them to propose individualized treatment plans leading to better, safer and more cost-effective care.

Nuclear medicine uses a small quantity of a radioactive tracer introduced into the body, where it can be detected by an external scanner and deliver information about organ function or cellular or molecular activity in vivo to patients. These procedures are non-invasive and safe, and over 40 million people worldwide benefit from this type of diagnosis and therapy every year.   

This tour will enable you to understand the differences between conventional radiology (X-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound) and molecular imaging, which operates on a cellular and molecular scale that touches all areas of medicine, from early stage detection to the development of effective therapies and personalized treatments. Diagnostic, therapeutic and research aspects will be presented in the fields of cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain and neurodegenerative diseases.  


For the EPFL Alumni VD-VS chapter

Jürg Furrer (CGC’83), President of the committee

Aurélie Flandi (PH’15), Vice President of the committee




46, Rue du Bugnon 1011 LAUSANNE

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