Visit to the Fire and Rescue Centre (CIS) in Luxembourg

The registration deadline has expired.

Dear alumni and alumnae,

In close collaboration with the Association of Luxembourg Alumni from French-speaking Switzerland (FS2), we are delighted to invite you to an exceptional visit to the Fire and Rescue Centre (CIS) of the city of Luxembourg, located at 3, boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg. The event will take place on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 5:45 PM.

The CIS of the city of Luxembourg is an integral part of the Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS), a public institution that brings together all national rescue services actors since the implementation of the law on March 27, 2018. This grouping includes municipal fire and rescue services, civil protection units, the emergency medical service (SAMU), the fire and ambulance service of the city of Luxembourg, and airport firefighters. The CGDIS is responsible for both rescue missions and fire-rescue services and is located at the National Fire and Rescue Centre (CNIS), at the same address as the CIS of the city of Luxembourg.

Following this visit, we will gather for the General Assembly of the FS2 association, which will take place at the Divino restaurant, 1 boulevard Raiffeisen, L-2411 Luxembourg. The evening will conclude with a convivial dinner.

The price for the dinner is 60 euros per person, including aperitif, wine, mineral water, and coffee. Payment should be made before the visit to the FS2 association's bank account (CCPL LU70 1111 1140 7402 0000).

Please confirm your participation by emailing by July 8, 2024. As places are limited, we encourage you to reserve early.

For any questions, you can contact:

Claude Mahowald, responsible for registrations, at +352 621 376 101 (phone or WhatsApp) or by email at
Pierre-Antoine Sondag, President of EPFL Alumni Luxembourg, at +352 621 52 16 10 (phone or WhatsApp) or by email at

We look forward to seeing many of you at this event.

Best regards,

Pierre-Antoine for EPFL Alumni Luxembourg
Patrick, Bob, Claude, Dan, Laurent, Metti, Pierre-Antoine, and Sven for FS2


Fire and Rescue Centre (CIS)

3, boulevard de Kockelscheuer 1821 LUXEMBOURG

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