General assembly 2024 & Deep Sea Research in the Arctic Conference

19 attendees and 1 interested


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The EPFL Alumni Eastern Switzerland Association cordially invites you to its General Assembly 2024 in the auditorium LEE E101 in the LEE building of ETH Zurich.

The auditorium will be accessible from 17:30, while the General Assembly will start at 18:00. This will be followed by a short break before an invited talk, given in English, starting at 19:00. The talk will be followed by a rich aperitif organised on site.

The invited talk will focus on deep search research in the Arctic. It will be presented by someone who was working on a project link to the theme.

Contact person

In case of need, you can reach Damien Nguyen at +41 78 679 55 71.

In details

General assembly

The general assembly will start at 18:00 sharp, please arrive a little in advance.

The proposed program is as follows:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the 2023 General Assembly (document in French available here: AluSO PV 2023_05.docx)
  2. Report of the activities 2023
  3. Report of the cashier and the auditors
  4. Approval of the accounts 2023
  5. Election of the new committee and auditors
  6. Calendar of future activities
  7. Miscellaneous

If you wish to add items to the program, please send them to Damien Nguyen ( at the latest one day before the GA.


The invited talk will start at 19:00 and will be given in English.


Deep sea research in the Arctic


The Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany, deploys autonomous robots to investigate the Arctic Ocean. Those robots help us to reach otherwise inaccessible regions, save valuable ship time and make year-round observations possible.

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ETH Zürich Campus LEE Building - Raum LEE E101

Leonhardstrasse 21 8092 ZURICH

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