
Talk on alternative funding

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EPFL Alumni

3. December 2018

Zurich Werdhölzli’s Wastewater treatment plant guided tour

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EPFL Alumni

29. September 2018

EPFL Alumni Eastern Switzerland 90th anniversary

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EPFL Alumni

25. September 2018

Schnitzeljagd in Schaffhouse

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EPFL Alumni

11. June 2018

EPFL Alumni Eastern Switzerland’s association General Assembly

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EPFL Alumni

15. May 2018

Sola-Stafette 2018

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EPFL Alumni

14. May 2018

Visit of the museum of digital art in Zürich

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EPFL Alumni

16. April 2018

Zurich’s Staatskellerei guided tour

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EPFL Alumni

19. March 2018

Coop’s logistics centre guided tour

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EPFL Alumni

27. February 2018

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