Swiss Alumni Evening in Singapore

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Swiss Alumni Evening: Join us for an enlightening evening of connections and conversation at the Swiss Alumni Evening in Singapore. This event brings together alumni from different Swiss universities who have made Singapore their home. Its the perfect opportunity to reconnect with old friends, forge new professional relationships and celebrate the Swiss education that brought us all together.

Fireside chat with Minister Ong: We are honoured to welcome the Minister of Health and IMD alumni Ong Ye Kung as our special guest for a fireside chat.

Food & Drinks: The evening will also include a delicious international buffet graciously sponsored by UBS Singapore. So mark your calendars and we look forward to welcoming you there!

Dresscode: Smart Casual

Registration: Tickets are on a first-come-first serve basis. After you registered you will receive a email with a PDF. Please bring a print-out or a digital copy to the registration desk. Registration closes at 7 pm - please ensure an on-time arrival.

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Auditorium @ UBS

9 Penang Road Singapore 238459 SINGAPORE

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