Incontri italo-francesi sull’intelligenza artificiale

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Dear EPFL alumni and alumnae,

I hope this message finds you well.

Artificial Intelligence is a multifaceted topic and I am very pleased to share with you a series of conferences that will address various aspects of it. These conferences are organized by the Institut Français in Italy and will be held in Italian in different cities until December as follows:

Genova : 01/11/2024

Roma: 05/11/2024, 15/11/2024, 18/11/2024, 04/12/2024

Milano : 06/11/2024

Torino: 11/11/2024, 21/11/2024

Bologna: 19/11/2024, 20/11/2024

Palermo: 29/11/2024

Firenze: 10/12/2024

The conferences are for free, but you may be required to register before.

Please find the full programme and all the practical information here:


Best regards,

Adrien Mulon SIE’07
President of EPFL Alumni Italy Chapter

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