Autumn gathering in Beijing: hiking at Xiangshan Park

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Dear All EPFL Alumni in Beijing,

We are pleased to organize an autumn gathering for embracing the fresh air and enjoying the maple leaves by hiking in Beijing Xiangshan Park (香山公园).

Date     :           Sunday September 24, 2023
Time     :           10h – 19h
Venue   :           Beijing Xiangshan Park (香山公园)

10:00           Gathering at East Gate of Xiangshan Park (香山公园东门集合) 
10:30           Hiking in Xiangshan Park (香山公园)
15:30           Back to town
17:00           Group dinner 


  • The local transportation/ park ticket is by your own
  • The lunch will be self-bring picnics
  • Group dinner will be A/A and the dinner place will be communicated by due time
  • Please check the weather prior to the event for taking necessary clothes/water etc.
  • Family members as well as close friends are also welcome

For registration and information, please contact Shun Zhao (赵顺) by Sept 23

  • Email      :
  • Mobile     :  158-0119-3824 
  • Wechat   :  shun-zhao        

Looking forward to seeing you as many as possible soon and best regards.

Zhanbing Ren 任占并

President of EPFL Alumni Beijing Chapter
138 0166 6305

Shun Zhao 赵顺

Vice President of EPFL Alumni Beijing Chapter

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Beijing Xiangshan Park


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