Alumni Gathering in Shenzhen
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Dear all EPFL alumni and alumnae,
We are pleased to invite all of you to join the EPFL Alumni Shenzhen & Greater Bay Area (GBA) gathering:
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time:13h30-20h00 (with dinner)
Location: Ground Floor, Building 1B, China Overseas Huizhi Tower, No. 7 Qingshuihe 3rd Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen. Sino-European Center of Biomedicine and Health
日期: 2025年03月29日 星期六
时间: 13h30-20h00 (含晚餐)
地点: 罗湖区清水河三路7号中海慧智大厦1B栋1楼
Remarks 备注:
- Alumni family members and friends are also welcome to participate
- This event is not limited to EPFL alumni; we`ll also invite alumni and teachers of other universities to join us
- 校友家人及好友均可参加
- 本次活动不限于EPFL校友,我们邀请各高校的校友和老师一同参与
Registration 注册
Contact alumni Shiyu CHENG or scan attached QR code 请联系成诗宇校友或扫随附二维码
Mobile: 182 2228 8262
Looking forward to seeing you as many as possible by this event and best regards.